We all try to persuade others to give us what we
want, starting when we are babies crying for food or comfort. Some
children, however, do not develop the characteristics of conscience,
empathy, and selflessness as they gather the skills of persuasion.They
can become predatory adults who mast..
Treatment and Management of Anxiety: A Therapeutic Guide includes a
variety of complementary/alternative techniques that have been employed
in clinical practice, and proven effective in the management and
treatment of anxiety in the Pakistani culture. The guide also includes
the theoretical ..
In this modern classic, Eric Berne explores the types of games people play in their social interactions. He proves that every association and interaction is based on a game — be it sexuality, marital association, exercise of power in offices by the bosses, or competition between friends. These games..
ڈیورانٹ کی تمام کتب اور بالخصوص " تاریخ کے عظیم ترین ذہن اور نظریات" کے صفحات میں گونجتا ہوا فلسفہ بلا جھجک طور پر " انسانیت کی حمایت" میں ہے اور ہمارے عقلی و آرٹسٹک ورثے کی شان نمایاں کرتا ہے۔ درحقیقت ڈیورانٹ ایک " نرم رو فلسفی" اور "ریڈیکل ولی" کے طور پر جانا جاتا تھا، کیونکہ اس نے ہمیشہ انسانی وا..