Writer: Kishwar Naheed
This book is Kishwar Naheed’s response to those who are quick to label a
woman as bad. It is a searing indictment of a society that uses
customs, religion, and even brute force to keep women down. She hits out
hard and fearlessly at social and political injustices and at the
materialism and ..
Rs.900 Rs.995
Writer: Kishwar Naheed
A prominent voice in our contemporary literary scene, Kishwar Naheed has
been widely read, and her work translated into Japanese, Korean,
Chinese, French, Russian, German, Hindi, Arabic, Persian, Italian, and
Spanish. This selection is both comprehensive and representative of her
varied styl..
Rs.800 Rs.895
Writer: Kishwar Naheed
Selected Poetry of Kishwar Naheed” is a book comprising of Kishwar’s poetic work. Covering diverse and unique themes Kishwar does a good job of presenting life, not only the life from different angles. From religious poems to love poems, she has not neglected any theme and not did she write about th..
Rs.1,100 Rs.1,200
Writer: Kishwar Naheed
کشور ناہید ایک خاتون شاعرہ ، سماجی کارکن اور باغی نثر نگار کے طور پر
جانی جاتی ہیں۔ان کی کتاب ’’ بری عورت کی کتھا‘‘ ان کی آپ بیتی ہے۔اس
آب بیتی کو کشور نے فلسفیانہ انداز میں لکھا ہے اور حالات وواقعات کے بیان
کے بجائے ان کا تجزیہ کیا ہے۔ایک عورت کو بچی سے عورت بننے کے درمیان پیش
آنے والی مشکل..
Rs.750 Rs.1,000
Showing 1 to 27 of 27 (1 Pages)